The future of magazines, the Wired way
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 9:25AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Breaking news, Events and Launches, First Looks, News, iPad, new media, print is dead, publishing, wired

Wired Magazine with the help of Adobe, has just released its Wired for iPad interactive publication which, as seen from the video above, offers a variety of rich, dynamic content such as video, audio and animation. Is this the new face of publishing? Will it catch on? Only time will tell. Wired seems pretty stoked at the possibilities.

"The tablet is our opportunity to make the Wired we always dreamed of. It has all the visual impact of paper, enhanced by interactive elements like video and animated infographics. We can offer you a history of Mars landings that lets you explore the red planet yourself. We can take you inside Trent Reznor’s recording studio and let you listen to snippets of his work in progress. And we can show you exactly how Pixar crafted each frame of its new movie, Toy Story 3."


Innovative features of the Wired App include:

Advertising in the issue is also enhanced. Nine advertisers took advantage of premium sponsorships inWired’s June digital edition, allowing them to incorporate interactivity and enhancements including 360º images, slide shows and videos. The premium advertisers include:

The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) has approved the app as a replica digital edition of the magazine. The Wired app is available now for $4.99 from the iPad App Store or at This is the third ABC-approved digital edition from Condé Nast, following GQand Vanity Fair, which are available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

Wired's video of the app (video does not appear to support iPad/iPhone):


Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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