Best Buy Canada will sell iPhone 4 on Friday for all carriers
Monday, July 26, 2010 at 8:44AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apple Canada, Breaking news, Events and Launches, News, best buy, iPhone 4, iphone, launch

Its unavoidable, this week is all about the iPhone 4 launch in Canada and at the time of this writing only Telus and Bell have confirmed that they will be carrying the iPhone 4 on July 30th. Best Buy, which sells phones from all the iPhone carriers, updated their page announcing that the iPhone 4 will be available in their stores on Friday.

Below is an excerpt from Best Buy Canada's page:

"Best Buy Mobile is thrilled to announce that the iPhone 4 will be available in our stores July 30th, on your choice of carrier!

As with all our devices we will be offering the full Walk Out Working service including transferring data from your old phone to your new iPhone 4, setting up your email and pairing your iPhone 4 to your Bluetooth device, all for free! If you don’t have a Bluetooth device we will happily recommend the device that will work best with your new phone."

No announcement has been made on whether unlocked iPhones can be pre-ordered on Apple Canada's page, which means it is likely that the phones will be available in-store with online orders to follow afterwards.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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