Video: Seagate's GoFlex Satellite, 500GB wireless storage for your iPad
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 8:03PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in 500 GB, Apps, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Events and Launches, First Looks, GoFlex Satellite, How to, Mobile, Public service, Seagate, Tablets, Video, iOS, innovations, streaming

During today's Future Shop training event where a bunch of manufacturers showed off their latest and greatest for the upcoming (gasp!) Back to School season, we got a chance to check out Seagate's innovative new GoFlex Satellite. This WiFi enabled hard drive can be accessed simultaneously by up to three iOS devices. You can even take this in your vehicle to serve as a mobile server.  This drops July 29th for $199! How cool is that!

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