CrashPlan+ offers Affordable Cloud Backups
Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 4:20PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apps & Launches, Buyers Guide, Carbonite, Cloud, CrashPlan, Data, Events and Launches, First Looks, Gadjo Sevilla, Lifestyle, Linux, Mac, Mobile, Opinion, PC, Public service, backup, online, upload

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Backups are an essential part of computing life. Hard drives die, computers fail, accidents happen. Not everyone is keen on regular backups since they require external drives or other tedious workarounds. Cloud backup services, however, make sense because they work in the background and cost less than backing up to physical drives. CrashPlan+ for PCs, Macs and Linux offers various backup options starting at $1.50 a month.

Unlike other cloud backup solutions, CrashPlan gives users the option of saving backups to different media

CrashPlan+ offers a mixture of features that make it the perfect fit for electronics of all kinds, like unlimited file size and automatic backup-scheduling feature. It automatically backs up your data to the computers of your friends and family and to a secure, online backup destination – so you can set your backup preferences and never worry about it again.

CrashPlan+ offers multiple backup sets, meaning you can specifywhich files go to which locations and with what settings. For example,your music can be backed up to your sister’s computer, while other important data, such as tax returns, are backed up to your friend’s laptop, as well as online.  

 CrashPlan+ is tailored to meet most user's  needs and make sure that the data most important to them remains safe. It’s incredibly simple and affordable to safeguard your data. We are currently testing CrashPlan + and uploading our backup. We have 22 GB to backup and it looks like it will take a while to get everything up but we will report back with our experiences in a review.



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