Tie Assistant App helps you master your Double Windsor
Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 8:33AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apps & Launches, Buyers Guide, Events and Launches, Lifestyle, Mobile, Press release, Public service, Tie Assistant App, iPad apps, iphone

Tie Assistant App can help add some flair to necktie aficionados with best  helps you in tieing a necktie and choosing an appropriate knot for any situation.

The developer says that the app  offer "Outstanding graphics, knot steps tested by humans and intelligent handling turn boring duty into a cool party!"

Tips will help you to choose the knot that meet with your shirts and neckties

There are 18 knots in application now, and it will be more and more in time:

∙Four-in-Hand knot
∙Double Windsor
∙Half Windsor
∙Saint Andrew
∙Cross knot

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (https://www.canadianreviewer.com/).
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