Reduce App makes editing photos on an iOS a breeze 
Monday, January 14, 2013 at 1:43PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apple Beat, Apps & Launches, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Events and Launches, First Looks, Lifestyle, Lightroom, Mobile, Motoring, Photo, Photoshop, Press release, Public service, Reduce App, editing, iOS, iPad apps

Photographers with iOS 6-enabled iPads or iPhones now have an awesome $1.99 photo resizing tool called Reduce App. As the iPad and iPad mini continue to transcend content consumption and start becoming content creation devices, the need for smart and usefull tools like Reduce App make it possible to edit images easily for sharing. Hit jump for more detailsMade by Tobias Wiedenmann, Reduce can quickly do the following.

- Resize to a given pixel size

- Limit the output to a given file size by auto-detecting the needed jpeg compression

- Resharpen the image to avoid softness from the resizing process

- Possibility to remove EXIF info (useful if you want to hide GPS information)

- Add a black or white border to seperate the image from the background

- Watermark or label your pictures by adding a text in one of it's corners.

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