Dick Tracy eat your heart out, say hello to the "HOT" watch!
Thursday, August 1, 2013 at 11:50AM
Corey Herscu in Apps & Launches, Bluetooth, Connected Watch, accessories, e-paper

With the plethora of 'connected' watches hitting the internet at a rapid pace, it's hard to distinguish between the good, bad, and downright ugly. With Waterloo-based Pebble, we were introduced to the first beautifully made e-paper designed watch created to be a true extension of the device we hold so dear to our hearts. However, this extension was only meant to compliment notifications and quick-replies; it did not account for phone calls - frankly, in comparison, no other watch released this past year (MetaWatch, Sony's SmartWatch, etc.) have been able to either. 

Enter the new darling of Kickstarter, the HOT Watch, a connected watch aimed at being "everything to everyone". 

Not only can you receive calls and texts from the device, but there is a specially-placed speaker on the bottom of the unit that, when your hand is cupped to your ear, allows for private phone calls just like a phone would. HOT Watch makers, PHTL, are aiming to crowd-source $150,000 (at the time of this post they're already at $95k and change).

The concept looks amazing and shows a lot of potential for the HOT Watch. Watch the promotional video below and back the project if you desire here

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (https://www.canadianreviewer.com/).
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