Gold Standard: Images of gold iPhone 5S parts emerge
Monday, August 19, 2013 at 10:31AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apple Beat, Breaking news, iPhone 5S

The Apple rumour mill has a new one for you, gold iPhones. It seems that the next iPhone will come in gold and there's a leaked part that gives us an idea of what this could look like. Reports say that the new colour won't be shiny gaudy blingy gold but it will resemble the treatment and finish on the gold iPod mini. Why gold? No one really knows but apparently the colour is easier to apply or spray on than black, slate or silver. Also it is supposedly 'more champagne and less gold,' in terms of colour.

What's more interesting is that the gold hue apparently transcends the visible parts of the device and is visible even in the components. 

Source: Macboutic via Engadget

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