Canadians responded to extreme weather conditions in December by taking their holiday shopping online – and they reached a major milestone in the process. For the first time in Canadian eCommerce history, the online share of retail sales totalled 7.8% for the month of December according to MasterCard SpendingPulse, a macro-economic report that leverages purchase information across all forms of payment – credit cards, cash and cheque – to offer detailed insight into consumer spending trends.
The eCommerce channel showed a 22.2% month-over-month increase in December, representing the 54th consecutive month of positive year-over-year growth for the channel.
“Canadians are embracing eCommerce, and steady growth is no surprise. However, for the first time total online retail sales reached nearly 8%. An impressive share of spending is happening online and it’s a trend that can’t be ignored. Canadians recognize that electronic payments are a safe, reliable and convenient way to purchase items without leaving home to brave the elements,” said Sarah Quinlan, Senior Vice President, Market Insights for MasterCard Advisors.
Total Canadian retail growth was steady but slow, posting a year-over-year growth of 2.3% and demonstrating the strength of eCommerce retail growth. The price index also declined significantly due to deep promotions during the holidays.
“The price index decline is interesting because it reflects eCommerce growth due to an increase in online transactions, not necessarily higher prices,” said Quinlan.