Nexus 6 feature wakes up the phone when you pick it up
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 8:56PM
Nicole Batac in Ambient Display, Android, Android 5.0, Android Lollipop, First Looks, Google, Google Nexus 6, Mobile, News, Nexus 6, app news

Looks like the Nexus 6 is eliminating the need for you to press the Power/Lock and Unlock button when you pick it up from your desk. According to Android Police, the Motorola-made Nexus 6 has an Ambient Display setting that will wake the screen when the device is picked up or when notifications arrive. This isn’t really a new feature as Moto X already carries a similar feature. However, the good news is Ambient Display might be part of Android 5.0 Lollipop update. So, there could be more Android devices that can wake this way.

Source: Android Police + 9to5Google | Via: Business Insider

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