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[Winner Announced] Contest: Win a Rogers (or Fido) Nokia Lumia 625

106 comments later, and after some hard deliberations, we have a winner! Jackie Winters! Thank you so much for entering we will be in touch to let you now how to claim your prize!
The entry-level Nokia Lumia 625 is not a 'new' device in the sense of being sold in Canada, as it was launched on TELUS exclusively five months ago. The news on this device, and what brings it back to top of mind, is that Rogers and Fido officially announced that the aforementioned exclusivity is over and they both plan on selling it in their line-ups. Pricing is set at $0 on a 2-year term with both carriers respectively.
Like it? Of course you do. Think it could be a worthy successor to your on-its-last-breath current device? You bet your lucky eyes. Well, courtesy of Nokia Canada, we have one brand spankin' new Nokia Lumia 625 for Rogers (or Fido) to giveaway to one lucky reader. Curious?
Read on to find out how you can win!
1. Send out a tweet saying:
"I want to win a Nokia #Lumia625 from @creviewer"
2. Follow @creviewer on Twitter
3. Like CanadianReviewer on Facebook.  
4. Leave a comment on this post telling us, creatively, why you think you should win!
Contest is open to residents of Canada only, sadly, and runs until next Friday February 21st. We will update this post announcing the winner then!
Good luck to all who enter!

Reader Comments (106)

The squirrel was looking so cute and he begged for a chip. I bent over and gave him one. He went on his way and I went on my way. A block later I went to use my phone and I learned I had been robbed by a squirrel. It is the city and I should have known better. True Story

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterann marie

My son would not be able to resist using this beauty(and I would feel better knowing he can contact home whenever he wants as he travels around BC by bicycle). He thinks he doesn't want a smart phone; he's driving me crazy :-(

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered Commenternicolelambert

This would be perfect for my parents, they currently share 1 phone (Nokia 520) and their needs now require an additional line. Although this would cause them to call me more often it would still be great to give them that freedom.

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

I want to win a Nokia Lumia 625 from Canadian Reviewer because I love testing new phones and gadgets and spreading the word to friends and family about awesome products via twitter.

ta dah : https://twitter.com/deealwayshungry/status/434736625398980608

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

I have not yet made the move to have a smart phone. I must be in the minority of the Canadian population, but I have decided that I should become part of the majority. I hope I make the transition to a smart phone easily and I thought I could try with a Nokia Lumia 625. You say it is an entry level and as I am also an "entry level", I believe we would make a good pair.

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJanet M

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