More Nokia Normandy/Nokia X photo leaks surface
Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 7:00PM
Nicole Batac in Android, Events and Launches, Google, MWC, MWC 2014, Mobile, News, Nokia Normandy, Nokia X, Product launch, rumours

If rumours are to be believed, then Nokia will be unveiling an Android smartphone at Mobile World Congress next week. A new “real life” photo of the Nokia Normandy or Nokia X device has surfaced on Chinese site Coolxap. It shows what appears to be the forked version of Android the new phone will be running.

Current speculation say the Normandy or X device will have a 1GHz dual-core Qualcomm processor, 512MB RAM, 4-inch 800 x 480 display, 5-megapixel rear camera, and 1,500 mAh battery.

Source: Ubergizmo

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