Get your unnoticed Instagram photos some love with No Likes Yet
Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 8:16PM
Nicole Batac in First Looks, Instagram, News, No Likes Yet, app news, website

If you think you have treasure trove of unloved but decent/great Instagram photos (or you just have really that much confidence in your shots but no one has noticed yet), then it’s time for some shameless promotion on No Likes Yet. The site showcases posts that haven’t been liked yet. It is an amalgam of weirdly cropped or downright strange photos that have slipped through the crevices of Instagram’s cracks. Link your Instagram account so you can share your unloved shots and even extend the love to others. Or if you’re not up for trying to grab attention, at least it is a reminder of what and what doesn’t work on the site.

Source: Gizmodo

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