Xbox One and Windows 10 integration extends functionality of consoles to PCs
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 4:35PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Events and Launches, Microsoft, Press release, Product launch, Public service, Windows 10, Xbox One, app news, gaming, streaming

One of the cooler announcements in today's Windows 10 launch event was the news that Windows 10 will have an Xbox App available on Windows 10 devices. What this enables is streaming Xbox One games to WIndows 10 PCs and tablets. They demoed this on stage with Forza Horizon running on an Xbox One but streaming without any latency to a Surface Pro 3 tablet. Using an XBox controller, you can play your game using a PC with no latency and with remote access to all your Xbox controls. This is made possible by DirectX 12 enhancing graphics performance on existing hardware devices.

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