Steam hits big security snafu in midst of winter sale
Friday, December 25, 2015 at 7:30PM
Nicole Batac in Breaking news, Gaming, News, Public service, Security, Steam, Valve, app news

This isn’t something any company wants to happen to them, especially during such a busy season. Valve’s Steam gaming platform is experiencing a big security lapse as some users were able to access other people’s accounts. Some players reported they got to see things like email addresses, credit card information, and previous purchases. It’s more disturbing that this happened in the midst of the platform’s winter sale, which means more players are logged on and possibly seeing information you don’t want other people to see.

The glitch doesn’t seem to affect all users and it seems the Steam store is up and running already. But Valve hasn’t addressed the issue just yet so we can’t say what caused the issue.

Source: Kotaku | Via: Engadget

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