You used to only be able to view Photo Sphere images on your Android app. Google Photos released an update to now let you see these 360-degree panoramas on your desktop browser or even your mobile web browser. If you own a Google Cardboard, you can even view them through the headset for a more immersive experience.
If you fancy making a Photo Sphere and haven’t tried before, one method you can use is the Cardboard Camera app available for Android 4.4+. As its name suggests, it works for use with Google Cardboard. To record an image, all you need to do is press the record button and slowly rotate the camera in a circle. It’ll take around a minute to process before you can pop the phone into your Cardboard and enjoy the shot you took. The software transforms it into a stereogram to make it look like the image is in 3D.
Source: Google Plus | Via: SlashGear