Adobe's Creative Cloud suite of applications and tools is a foremost example of a successful cloud-powered Software as a Service based subscription model. Not only has Adobe seen success in reaching desktop users, it has also made serious inroads into incorporating mobile devices as tools and adjuncts for developers and artists. Adobe is now committing more support and compatibility for Android devices in 2015.
With Android 5.0 Lollipop and Google's Android for Work initiative, plus more powerful devices supporting desktop-class performance, Android is now prmed for bigger adoption in the workplace as well as in the creative workflow. Realizing this, Adobe has issued its reiterated continued support for Android in a post titled "What about Android?"
"While we initially launched these apps on iOS, we didn’t forget you Android. We’re working hard to develop Android phone support for some of our most popular apps. But we want to do it right, in a way that complements the strengths of the Android user experience and design. While we can’t offer specific release dates, you should expect to see the first of these apps starting in Summer 2015," Adobe explains.
This show of support can only bolster Android's evolution as a productivity platform moving forward and it also gives Creative Cloud subscribers with Android devices more freedom in accessing services they already pay for.