Microsoft steps up games with greatest lineup in Xbox history
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 8:57AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Buyers Guide, E3, Entertainment, Events and Launches, First Looks, Games, Gaming, Product launch, Public service, Xbox One, app news

I'm a firm believer that, when it comes to gaming consoles, it is best to wait a year before diving in. This is the time that better games which can take full advantage of the hardware, come to market. It is also the time that pricing on the new consoles stabilizes a bit and there are more options for buyers. Proving this point, Microsoft is releasing the greatest games lineup in XBox history.

What's coming to XBox One? Well, there's Halo 5: Guradians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6, Gears of War Ultimate Edition and some impressive exclusive games like ReCore and Sea of Thieves to name just a few. Check out the whole list here.

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