Intel recently announced it's 6th generation of Intel Core processors codenamed Skylake. This processor family is expected to set a new standard with new, portable sleek designs that are thinner than ever, are capable of starting in about half a second, and offer up to two and a half times the performance and triple the battery life when compared to the computers many people currently own. The new architecture is designed for Windows 10 but will also likely be used in new MacBook products from Apple.
Inte says the 6th Gen Intel Core processor family is the most scalable ever for consumers and businesses, enabling the broadest range of designs from the smallest Intel Compute Stick and All-in-One desktops, to 2 in 1s, notebooks and the first-ever Intel Xeon processor for mobile workstations.
Built on Intel’s leading 14nm manufacturing process technology Skylake processors will be capable of driving three 4K displays at 60Hz, which is a significant improvement over last year’s Broadwell processors, which could power a single 60Hz 4K display.
This new generation of Intel processors also includes several firsts for mobile designs: a mobile “K” SKU that is unlocked to enable overclocking with even more user control, a new quad-core Intel Core i5 processor that offers up to 60 percent improved mobile multitasking, and the Intel® Xeon E3 processor family now powering mobile workstations.
The 6th Gen Intel Core processors deliver significant improvements in graphics performance9 to offer stunning visuals for gaming as well as compelling 4K content creation and media playback. New Intel Speed Shift technology improves the responsiveness of mobile systems so people can, for example, apply a photo filter up to 45 percent faster10.
Intel expects that the new chips will spur on more innovation from PC makers for powerful, longer-lasting, thin and light devices that might be able to spark growth in the flagging PC industry.