Apple issues refunds for iOS9 ad blocking app Peace
Monday, September 21, 2015 at 11:00PM
Nicole Batac in Apple Beat, Breaking news, Mobile, News, Peace, Public service, ad blocker, iOS 9, iPad apps, iphone

After gaining popularity and skyrocketing to the top of the iTunes charts, the Peace ad blocking app for iOS 9 was taken out of circulation by its developer Marco Arment. He didn’t like that it was the approach for blocking ads was “too blunt” and that all ads shouldn’t be treated the same. Initially, refunds for the pulled out app was done via request because developers can’t forcibly issue them. But now, Apple is moving forward with offering refunds for everyone. If you’ve bought the app, expect an email from Apple informing you of your refund. The processing should take a few days.

Source: Marco Arment | Via: The Next Web

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