Nielsen adds Facebook to measure popularity of TV shows online
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 8:04PM
Nicole Batac in Entertainment, Facebook, News, Nielsen, Social Media, TV ratings, TV shows

Nielsen used to only use Twitter chatter to measure how popular a television show is online. Now, Facebook will be included in rating the popularity of shows on the web. Nielsen will be calling it Social Content Ratings, which replaces the existing Twitter TV Ratings, and it’ll track live activity during awards shows, original series premieres, and sporting events.

The information it gets from Facebook will be the stuff you share publicly or those you share with friends and followers. These will be included in the ratings Nielsen will release for the first half of 2016. They won’t get the specifics on the content, though. Instead, Facebook will be offering aggregate data. We won’t be surprised if Instagram is the next to be added and your memes might be put to use.

Source: Engadget

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