The Apple Beat: Apple staging October 27 hardware launch event in Cupertino
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 5:25PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apple, Apple Beat, Apple October 27 Event, Apps & Launches, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Canada, Events and Launches, First Looks, Gadjo Sevilla, app news, mac Pro

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple has one more thing to do before the year is over and that is introduce some new Mac hardware. Invitations to an October 27 launch event have gone out to media outlets with an Apple logo and the words 'hello again' right below which is a clear indicator of Mac hardware (Apple historically used 'hello' with the original Macintosh marketing material and the original iMac reprised this with 'hello (again).

What's expected at this event? Apple's fallen behind on updating various non-iOS product lines, so take your pick. Personally, I see new MacBook Pros, new MacBook Airs, possible new iMacs and Mac minis all running Intel's latest Sky Lake or Kaby Lake processors. 

Other items that need desperate refreshing are the Mac Pro as well as Cinema Displays, but these are likely longshots as are AirPort Extreme routers, which haven't seen hardware updates to the latest specs. Might Apple be updating Apple TV? That's also a timely possibility since there hasn't been much change to that product since last year's relaunch.

Apple will likely focus on their core earners which are the notebooks. I know a number of people who are ready to jump on new MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs, specially if they get the range of colour treatments as well as the new keyboard and improved battery life. If the MacBook line is getting redesigned, expect some drastic changes. Perhaps a move to USB Type-C, the loss of headphone jacks (replaced with Lightning ports) and new displays featuring the wider colour true-tone displays and that second generation Taptic Engine.

Speaking of iMacs, the use of the 'hello again' slogan this time harkens back to 1998's launch of the original iMac when Steve Jobs introduced the new all-in-one design (while referencing chunky, multi-component PC's of the day).

If Apple is invoking this line of marketing, I think we should expect a monumental redesign of the iMac (which is using a form factor launched in 2012). The iMac in 1998 was revolutionary from top to bottom, it really changed Apple's fortunes and kicked off a renaissance in industrial design. Apple has a lot to measure up to in 2016 and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can live up to the hype they are creating with this cryptic invitation.

October has traditionally been about iPads as well and we might see a refresh across the line, possibly a change in naming convention. With Apple's powerful new A10 processors in tow, we might be looking at three sizes of iPad Pro at 12.9, 10.5 and 7.9-inches (with the larger iPad Pro available right away and perhaps the other sizes following early 2017).

This event, which will likely take place in Town Hall, will be a small affair that will likely be livestreamed and I predict that many if not all the products announced will be availble for order or in store shortly after the announcement.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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