SEO tools for Android and iPhone
Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 9:32AM
Subeditor in Android, Public service, SEO, Social Media, iPhone

Is a smartphone enough for full online promotion of your website on the Internet? The truth is it's by far easier to write an novel on a phone than to fulfill full-scale SEO project for your website. However, according to WBC company it does not mean that the applications for your smartphone cannot offer anything interesting for SEO professionals.

Take for example the process of attracting new traffic. While some people consider it to be a complex process, which is based on continuous monitoring and analysis of competitors’ actions, an experienced web marketer will make various decisions in order for the website to take leading positions in search engines and keep them there. A phone is always at hand and, therefore, it is a versatile tool for regular monitoring of your website's performance. Also, you can monitor the actions your competitors take to get ahead of you. You, on the other hand, are enabled to save your time and come up with superior response strategies. In this article, we will offer you short reviews of 30 applications for SEO/PPC for your Android and iPhone.

What can smartphone applications SEO/PPC offer for you?

• Check positions of selected URL according to specified key phrases.
• Conduct a simple SEO audit of the website.
• Check the main indicators of SEO (backlinks, number of indexed pages, the indicators of PageRank, Alexa and Compete Rank).
• Combine SEO news and the latest tips (mostly in German and English).
• Collect and analyse main keywords.
• Check what keywords search engine finds for a given URL.
• Access analytical data from Google Analytics.

• Check positions of selected URL according to specified key phrases.

• Conduct a simple SEO audit of the website.• Check the main indicators of SEO (backlinks, number of indexed pages, the indicators of PageRank, Alexa and Compete Rank).

• Combine SEO news and the latest tips (mostly in German and English).

• Collect and analyse main keywords.

• Check what keywords search engine finds for a given URL.• Access analytical data from Google Analytics.

SEO Applications Evaluation

For this article post, we have tested 23 apps with positive feedback for Android and 6 interesting applications for iPhone. Let's explore each application and assign the evaluation on a scale of 1 to 3:

        (1/3) - this application is doesn’t work and is useless;

        (2/3) - a well-running application, but it does not offer special additional tools;
        (3/3) - this app is worth your attention;
        (3 + / 3) – we highly recommend this application.

SEO Tools for Android

A stereotype had received its solid confirmation that the Android Market turned out to be a real trashcan of applications. That is why majority of programs that we have evaluated for Android was (1/3). They are included in this review, to ensure that you do not waste your time on checking if they work. Note that applications, which do not include the price, are free. We tested on Motorola Milestone with Android 2.2.1 Froyo system.

1.     1. PageRank (1/3)
A simple application to check the backlinks and PageRank. It did not work with us whatsoever.

2.       SECocpit (1/3)
It requires registration, the app offers keywords, then it filters and sorts them to help you select the appropriate ones for your website. The app is free, but in order to use it you should subscribe and pay for SECockpit service.

3.       SEO - Keyword Checker (1/3)
A very simple app that scans any web page on the most frequently used keywords. Phrases are sorted according to the number of their constituent words.

4.       SEO Tips and Tricks (1/3)
Appendix - is a strong word for this app. After pressing the button, the app forwards its users to the blog of English author, which is dedicated to the promotion of either his website or knowledge. The blog does not even have a mobile version, so it is quite difficult or close to impossible to read. Man, you have to fix it!

5.       SEO Buddy (2/3)
Well-made application that determines PageRank, Alexa Rank, number of indexed pages (in three search engines: Google, Yahoo, and the Bing), the number of backlinks (according to the same search engines), and domain age for a specified URL.

6.       SEO Post (1/3)

It collects news from the world on SEO especially in German.

7.       SEO Automatic (the phone is called SEO Review Lite) (3/3)

An interesting application for creating simple audit. The URL is evaluated in terms of the TITLE, DESCRIPTION, H1 and H2 tags, a robots.txt file, site maps, images and factors associated with the document loading speed. Where the application can not assess well-performing functions of the website, it redirects you to the recommended settings (for example: cites our TITLE and then gives a list of points what TITLE should be instead).

8.       SEO SERP Tracker (3/3)
A simple application to determine the position on given keywords. The app is funny translated into other languages ​​(we guessed it was robot interpretation). It offers an obscure function to choose a specific position in or But the existence of bookmarks itself suggests that the author is planning to introduce a definition of the position and also on other Google domains, not only the .com one.

9.       SEO Tip Guide (1/3)
An application showing in random selection “SEO Tip of the day". Its sole function is a button “next tip”.

10.   SEO Tips by Brick Marketing (1/3)
Some sort of collector of tips and news in the SEO industry, the app has very limited configuration capabilities that makes users read information from one source only.

11.   SEO Tools Morticella (1/3)
A multi-purpose tool for SEO, the app would be interesting if it only worked. The app is capable of determining the position of a website. It is a simple generator meta tag. Unfortunately, all other functions did not work! For example, the definition of backlinks, indexed pages and PageRank. The app shows a lot of advertisement. Some of the functions forwards users to manufacturer's website, where no necessary information is found.

12.   SEO-tool (1/3)
It defines PageRank, backlinks, positioning in DMOZ and domain’s age. We found during our testing that only two indicators were functioning properly. The app does not support horizontal screen orientation.

13.   SeoRankPro (1/3)
A tool is designed to determine the website’s keyword positioning. We received the same answer over and over again that positions were not found under different defined keywords.

14.   SiteRank Lite (2/3)
The app shows PageRank and Alexa ranking for a given URL. It works!

15.   WebRankSEO (3/3)
The app has a beautiful graphic design displays, it has key performance indicators for specified URL, such as PageRank, Alexa and Compete Rank. Also, it displays a number of indexed pages, according to the Bing and Google, as well as the number of backlinks on Google, Bing, and Alexa. The menu item “Setting”, allows you to remove results that does not interest you. In addition, you can save frequently checked websites, which is convenient.

16.   Analytix (3+/3)
Beautifully made, a comprehensive client application for the Google Analytics system. It provides access to almost all possible model statistics that are on the Google Analytics website located at a distance of no more than two clicks away from the homepage.

17.   Analytics Widget (2/3)
As the name implies, it is a widget, and not an application. For each site, available in Google Analytics account, you can generate onlhy two widgets: 1) will show the daily number of visits; 2) is the number of views.

18.   mAnalytics (3/3)
A well done and simple application that shows the most important data from Google Analytics.

19.   Pocket SEO Reference Free (2/3)
The application has a list of sites from which we can get a free link to your resource. Sites are divided into categories: bookmarking services, press releases services, forums, directories, catalogues and articles. In each category, distributed sites are listed according to the PageRank. Sites that give no-follow links are marked accordingly. All websites are in English only.

20.   SERP Trak (1/3)
A tool being used to determine the PageRank, backlinks and positions. Regardless of the sites that we input, the application has requested “to enter the correct information”.

21.   SEO - SiteRank Pro (3/3)
A well-made application that determines the indicators of entered URL. Check the PageRank, the Alexa ranking, the number of pages indexed in Google and the Bing, and the number of backlinks. It also draws some interesting data from the code. Functions are interesting, but at the time of this writing this post, we found the app to be expensive as it cost $8 USD.

22.   SEO Glossary (2/3)
Glossary of SEO terminology. In English only, rich, divided into categories. At the moment, it is a little over a $1.

23.   SEMTab SEO Pro (3/3)


  1. The application checks the PageRank, backlinks (in Google, Bing, and Alexa), Alexa ranking, the number of tweets containing the link, the number of “likes” on Facebook, the number of comments with a link to Facebook, and the number of bookmarks in Delicious. The app costs $2 USD.

Highlights SEO Tools for iPhone

1.       Domain Tracker

It allows to find the specified site on PageRank and its fluctuations in the domain history and record the domains for a quick check. The cost is only $0.99.

2.       SEO Search Ranking

The app allows you to monitor an unlimited number of domains and keywords. Enter the URL, and click add to it the keyword, and the application displays the position. The cost is $2.99 USD.

3.       Analytics App

A client for Google Analytics system, the app allows you to keep track of all most important data. The price is $6.99 USD.

4.       LinkJuice

One of the few mobile applications that can take the data from these valuable tools like Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO or SEMRush. Presents data on backlinks, anchors, site rankings forecast at the domain level and the page number of indexed pages at the domain and sub-domain levels. The cost is $1.99.

5.       SpyderMate

It shows the domain authority on the basis of SEOmoz, Alexa ranking, backlinks on Majestic SEO, domain age, expiration date and other related data. The only free for iPhone SEO-targeted application.

6.       SEO Pro

The app shows the PageRank, Alexa ranking and Compete, it monitors changes every day in the rankings, showing meta tags, the number of backlinks and indexed pages. The cost is $0.99.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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