Twitter now classified as a ‘news’ app on the Apple App Store
Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 9:48PM
Nicole Batac in Apple, Mobile, News, Social Media, Twitter, app news, iOS

Twitter is no longer a social network. Or at least it’s no longer classified as one on the Apple App Store. It’s migrated from “social networking” to “news” on the app store where it now sits on top in the top free apps chart. On the Google Play store, though, it still remains under the “social” label. The switch is seen as a reaction to the social network lagging behind competitors like Facebook in the social networking category. This’ll perhaps bring attention to the app more and it highlights Twitter’s differentiator from its rivals with its real-time breaking news updates. Twitter’s still suffering from sluggish user growth so any approach to get more eyeballs and users on its platform is welcome.

The change, though, also highlights Apple’s issues with making apps more discoverable. App developers are said to be frustrated with the tech giant and discoverability issues on the platform. Even with the use of search, it’ll take a while to find relevant apps. Apple’s been making changes for this but it still has more work to do in this respect.

Source: Mashable

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