Alberta government releases app to survey Fort McMurray damage
Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 10:18AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Alberta, App, Breaking news, Fire, Fort MCMurray, Public service, app news

Using technology in the service of the community, the Alberta government has released an app to help evacuees survey the damage of the wildfire at Fort McMurray that forced over 90,000 from their homes early May.

"Having been through a devastating fire and evacuation myself, I know firsthand how stressful it is to wait for updates on which homes have been lost. We are committed to providing information to you as soon as we can, and these images will help us begin to answer the questions you have about the state of your homes and community," said Municipal Affairs Minister Danielle Larivee.

Technical specialists have been working for several days to improve the quality and resolution of these images in order to provide you with the most accurate information possible. These maps are intended to provide a high-level satellite overview of the status of the city following the wildfires. Structures that appear to be standing should not be considered undamaged. These images should not be used for official damage assessments, determining the status of individual structures, or planning re-entry to the city. The app can be found  here.


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