Ads make their way to Google image search results
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 2:02AM
Nicole Batac in Google, Google Image Search, News, Press release, ads, app news

Even your image search these days aren’t safe from ads. Google is introducing Shopping ads into image search results, so if you’re looking through new bags and jewelry, for example, you’ll see items that you can buy on the spot. Aside from that, Google is boosting its local inventory ads. It now shows you whether a retailer has in-store pickup and a store’s knowledge panel will turn inventory into something that’s searchable, which could help save you time since you find out earlier if it’s worth making a trip to a particular store.

Source: Google Inside AdWords | Via: Engadget


Update as of 12:10 p.m., May 17

Google Canada has clarified that only local inventory ads are available in the country. Shopping ads aren't currently available. 

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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