Is there a foldable smartphone/tablet in Microsoft's future?
Monday, January 16, 2017 at 1:49PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Microsoft, Microsoft, Mobile, Public service, Windows 10, patents

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft's patented a design of a tablet that can fold into a smartphone. Discovered by MSPowerUser, the patent discusses a device that can switch from phone to tablet thanks to an articulating hinge design. Now, technology companies patent ideas all the time and there's little guarantee that the product or its components will ever maket it to market.

But this is Microsoft we are talking about, a company that is also a hardware manufacturer thanks to Xbox, Windows Phone and Surface. Now Windows Phone is dwindling market share into extinction, but Microsoft can still be a player if it comes out with a mobile 2-in-1 product like this. Here's why.


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