Review: Fitbit Flyer
Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 8:04AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in AirPods, Android, Apple, Apps & Launches, Bluetooth, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Canada, Events and Launches, Fitbit Flyer, Jabra, Lifestyle, News, Product launch, Smartwatch, accessories, connectivity

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Fitbit has created a sporty Bluetooth headset to accompany its Fitbit Ionic smartwatch.

Being the first audio product from Fitbit, I had some reservations about the Flyer and wondered about things like fit, finish and sound quality.

I was pleasantly surprised when the Fitbit Flyer fit me right out of the box without me needing to attach any of the included rubber earpieces. Not only did it fit well, I found that I didn’t suffer stress or pain wearing it for a prolonged period of time.

I’ve tested a lot of these Bluetooth headphones and fit has always been a sticking point. So far, the Jabra Coach headphones have been the best I’ve tried in terms of comfort and sound, but the Fitbit Flyer fits better and I can wear them for a longer period of time because they're comfortable and because they last longer.

Made out of muted plastic and rubber materials, the Fitbit Flyer is unobtrusive yet rugged. The rubber band that connects both earpieces is just the right length and can be adjusted to the user’s preference.

Turning the Flyer on or off gets you audio notifications letting you know it has connected or disconnected. It also tells you the status of your battery so you know if you need to plug it in. The on/off button is a tiny dimple on one of the earpieces, very subtle.

I’ve connected the Fitbit Flyer to an iPhone, a Google Pixel and to the Fitbit Ionic smartwatch and found the connectivity to be very good. The Fitbit Flyer stayed connected even when I passed a street known for a lot of interference which trips up all the Bluetooth headphones I’ve tried, even the AirPods.

The robust connectivity and awesome fit alone are enough for me to recommend the Fitbit Flyer which also has very good audio quality and loudness. I’ve had to max out many of my Bluetooth headphones in noisy urban situations but the Flyer is loud enough even at 50 per cent loudness. This is likely because, unlike the other earphones, Fitbit has included passive noise isolation. Waves technology is also onboard, which somehow enhances sound quality. Using the Fitbit Flyer for calls, Skype and video calling is great thanks to a dual microphone array. 


I was very surprised and delighted at the Fitbit Flyer’s capabilities and great audio quality. While it is geared for use in the gym or during runs, it has easily become an alternative to my AirPods as a commuting companion when I want something less conspicuous (people tend to stare at the white AirPods).

Battery life is good for around four and a half hours of playback which is enough for an intense workout, run and even most people’s daily commute.

Fitbit also includes a nice little packet to keep the Flyer in when not in use.

A quick charge function makes it possible to get an hour of use in 15 minutes and two hours is all it takes for a full charge.

Fitbit has created an impressive Bluetooth headphone solution that fits really well with its tracker and smartwatch ecosystem. This is the perfect partner to the Fitbit Ionic and really extends that smartwatches’ functionality as an independent music player.

Fitbit has managed to nail comfort, fit, great sound and connectivity in a well-designed package that’s easily one of the best Bluetooth headphones you can buy today.

Rating 5 out of 5

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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