Blackberry Motion and KEYOne available for $100 off in limited Black Friday promos
Friday, November 24, 2017 at 2:15PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in BlackBerry, BlackBerry KEYone, BlackBerry Motion, Breaking news, Buyers Guide, Canada, Events and Launches, Lifestyle, iPad apps

Black Friday after Thanksgiving is probably the best time to get either the BlackBerry Motion or BlackBerry KEYOne for $100 off. The KEYOne remains one of the most unique Android experiences and the robust and secure (not to mention water and dust resistant) BlackBerry Motion is simply one of the best midrange smartphones in the market.

Several retailers across Canada are now offering up to $100 off the BlackBerry Mobile lineup from now until November 27. Various carriers are offering the devices on limited discounted plans. Hit jump for the details.

BlackBerry KEYone in Silver and Space Black edition

BlackBerry Motion


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