Google finally gets the cheeseburger right in Android 8.1
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 2:21AM
Nicole Batac in Android, Android 8.1, Android Oreo, Android apps, First Looks, Google, Mobile, News, Sundar Pichai, app news, emoji

One of the weird, quirky tech stories that hit us recently was the idea that Google didn’t know how a cheeseburger looks like with the incorrect depiction of the food item as an emoji. The cheese it was seen placed at the bottom of the bun instead of the burger. It even caught the attention of Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who promised to look into the “issue.” And true enough, he did.  Android 8.1 already has a “proper” cheeseburger emoji heading our way. But that wasn’t before the company made fun of itself and made an “Android Burger” IRL.

Source: The Verge

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