Samsung patent for Gear smartwatch shows rotary dial wraparound display
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 10:41PM
Nicole Batac in Mobile, News, Samsung Gear, Smartwatch, Wearables, accessories, patent

A recently discovered patent from Samsung shows the South Korean tech company considering other new features for its smartwatch design. In this patent originally filed in September 2015, it shows Samsung trying out having a secondary display along the rotary dial of the watch. Much like the secondary screen on its Galaxy Edge devices, there seems to be app shortcuts there and basic information like date, time, and weather. And as the patent filing says, that display can be rotated 90 degrees and is even split between an upper and lower section for an undisclosed purpose. We’re not sure how intuitive this design would be though. And since it’s been filed a while back, perhaps Samsung has already thought of other ways to implement the display.

Source: Wareable

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