How the Smartphone has reinvented basic marketing
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 4:00PM
Subeditor in Public service, sponsored


There was a time not so long ago, where the thought of creating a good quality marketing video meant spending a huge amount of money. As a minimum, you would need to buy a fairly expensive video recorder, tripod and microphone. Once you had recorded your content, you would then need to use costly editing software to get the video output into a finished shape.

Alternatively, you could contact a professional video production team to create your video for you. While the end product would no doubt be of good quality, the thousands that it set you back would ensure that you had no budget left for anything else that year. To put it bluntly, producing videos was too expensive for many businesses to consider, especially the ones who didn’t have a big marketing budget or startups that hadn’t amassed any significant profit yet.

Now here we are in 2017, and you will see countless videos across the internet. From Facebook Live streams to 360-degree videos of property for sale. If an estate agent had to pay a video production company every time they wanted to market a new property, then they probably wouldn’t be making much money once they had collected their fees and paid for the video. Fortunately, the functionality of something that we all have – a smartphone, has changed all of this.

Estate agents can now easily record a decent quality 360-degree video to showcase the properties that they are marketing. Gym instructors can quickly stream a live video onto Facebook of their high-energy classes to attract more customers. Practically any line of work can easily create a video using just their smartphone.

You can also quickly edit and upload any video onto YouTube, using an editing app, which means that you can still create a good quality video without even needing to purchase expensive video editing software. You don’t even need to log onto a desktop or laptop as you truly do have instant video capability at your fingertips.

Another form of marketing that you can easily produce using nothing more than your smartphone is a podcast. Podcasts are another effective way of generating interest in your business. They are surprisingly easy to produce as well. Again, all you need is a podcast recording app to capture your sound content and then you can quickly upload it to SoundCloud to enable you to share it with your potential customers.


Therefore, both videos and podcasts you can create at low costs. You can even promote both of these channels using free email templates like MailChimp or free social media accounts. If you are trying to boost the popularity of any YouTube or SoundCloud content, you can get some help from Social Media Daily. Instead of spending time trying to think of new ways to reach out to your target audience, and if you are thinking of purchasing SoundCloud likes, just buy SoundCloud likes as it can increase your podcast or music content’s popularity and place it higher in the rankings. The progress that smartphones have made in the last decade is incredible, and it makes you wonder what else we will be able to do with them in a few years time.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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