OnePlus dismisses ‘jelly scrolling effect’ on OnePlus 5, claims it’s normal
Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 10:30PM
Nicole Batac in Mobile, News, OnePlus, OnePlus 5, Press release

Some OnePlus 5 users have been complaining about this jelly-like effect when scrolling through an app on the phone. OnePlus just addressed, or should we say dismissed, this issue saying that it’s a normal thing for the device. In a statement, they say “the OnePlus 5 uses the same level of high-quality components as all OnePlus devices, including the AMOLED display. We've received feedback from a small number of users saying that at times they notice a subtle visual effect when scrolling. This is natural and there's no variance in screens between devices.”

Because of this announcement, unfortunately, it would seem filling a warranty replacement won’t get you anything. But if this bothers you and you’re still well within the 15-day return policy, then that seems to be your only recourse at the moment.

Source: The Verge

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