Alibaba and Ford have created a vending machine for cars in China
Monday, March 26, 2018 at 8:19AM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Alibaba, Buyers Guide, First Looks, Ford, Mobile, Motoring, app news, vending machine for cars

Photo from AlibabaFord is often at the forefront of technology and innovation. From self-driving car and safety technology to spearheading various hybrid and EV initiatives, the carmarker wants to be in the discussion no matter what the future of cars is. A bold new vending machine for Ford cars in China, which was created in tandem with Alibaba is turning the car buying process on its head.

A temporary attraction. A giant vending machine with 42 cars now makes it possible to enable test drives without the usual friendly sales talk. Customers pay a fee via the Tmall app of Alibaba. Users have a choice of 10 vehicles and have three-day test drive period before they need to return the cars.

It is a new and interesting paradigm for trying before buying. It also show what buying cars without car salespersons would be like. Again, opening up the discussion of how technology, AI and automated services replace our jobs.

Source: Engadget

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