Parents can soon block specific shows or movies on Netflix
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 12:12AM
Nicole Batac in Entertainment, Kids, Movies, Netflix, Press release, Public service, TV shows, app news

Netflix just announced new features that will make it easier for parents to monitor and control what their kids watch on the streaming service. At the moment, you can already put a PIN code on shows and movies that are over a particular maturity level or you can mark certain accounts as belonging to a child. But soon Netflix will let you put a PIN behind certain shows or movies to stop them from watching specific titles. On top of this, maturity level ratings are going to be displayed more prominently on the screen when a new title plays. The feature is rolling out in the coming months and the streaming service plans to look into how it can make maturity level ratings more descriptive and easier to understand.

Source: Engadget

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