‘Limited number’ of non-Touch Bar 13-inch Apple MacBook Pros need to have batteries replaced
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 4:12AM
Nicole Batac in Apple, Apple Macbook Pro, News, Press release, Public service, Retail News, battery, battery replacement

Apple has just launched a free battery replacement program for some non-Touch Bar-toting Apple MacBook Pros. The company claims a “limited number” of these units have had their batteries expand. These supposedly affect those that were manufactured between October 2016 and October 2017 and is due to a fault component that causes the battery to expand.

The linked page above will ask you to submit your computer serial number to check if you’re eligible for a replacement. Those that qualify can bring their MacBook Pro to an authorized dealer or retail store or mail the unit to Apple’s repair center. If you’ve already gotten the battery replaced, you can contact Apple to see if you can get a refund. Apple notes that any damage that might inhibit the battery’s replacement will need to be fixed first and this program does not extend the computer’s standard warranty.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (https://www.canadianreviewer.com/).
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