LG is trying its hand once again to stir up some excitement for its mobile division with the launch of the G7 ThinQ. The phone has the makings of what’s expected from a 2018 smartphone. It sports a 6.1-inch QHD LCD display (with a notch), which the company boasts has 1000 nits brightness, and its speakers can supposedly pump out over 100 decibels of sound. The headphone jack stays and now supports DTS-X virtual surround sound. It runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, 4GB of RAM, 64GB storage with microSD expansion, and a 3,000mAh battery with wireless charging support. And it also has IP68 water resistance.
It feels very much like a “me too” device. For a company like LG, who has on multiple occasions gone ahead and made some unusual yet somewhat forward-thinking ideas, seems uninspired. LG is trying its hand at AI, which you can see in the ThinQ branding of the G7, and bringing it to its own camera Similar to what the Huawei Mate 10 Pro and P20 Pro have done, the AI camera can identify different scenes and objects. Its dual 16-megapixel rear cameras that comes with a pixel binning feature, which is similar to HTC’s UltraPixel tech. It combines nearby photo pixels into one big pixel to improve light-sensitivity and get brighter, less grainy photos. The resolution gets cut down to 4-megapixel instead of 16-megapixel.
AI also makes an appearance in the hardware with the dedicated digital assistant button. Unlike Samsung’s take, this one will pull up Google Assistant. LG worked with Google to create custom phrases on the G7. You can tell it things like “Take a photo with low-light mode” or “Open the camera with AI Cam.”
Now are these features enough to get people to pay attention to LG phones again? We can’t say. If LG decides to price this lower than its competition, it might garner some of that attention. No word yet on pricing and availability at the moment.
Source: Gizmodo