Watch Metric's new video 'Dark Saturday,' which was shot exclusively on iPhone X
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 2:18PM
Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla in Apple Beat, Breaking news, Entertainment

Metric is back with a new album and their first single 'Dark Saturday' is being released as a video. The video which was directed by Justin Broadbent and was shot entirely on iPhone X. The throwback-guerilla style black and white video is reminiscent of early alternative music videos with a lot of nuance, energy and great use of the iPhone X.

"The band and I agreed that shooting on an iPhone would be a good way to immediately connect a visual style to the authentic feeling of this record", said Broadbent. "Because it was a 'run and gun' style video, we needed our footprint to be tiny and quick but the video quality still needed to be high. I think this also let the band relax, not having a huge camera and lights around while allowing me the freedom to try things on the fly.  Even the design of the final video looks like four separate screens magically lining up together."

Broadbent has also used the iPhone X to shoot Canadian rapper Shad's latest music video. With apps like Filmic Pro, the iPhone can approximate the quality and range of many professional cameras and has even more advanced stabilization as well a computational photography chops.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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