Former chief vehicle engineer at Tesla comes back to Apple and its secretive self-driving car program
Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 11:22AM
Nicole Batac in Apple, Doug Field, Motoring, News, Project Titan, Tesla, self-driving car

A recent hire (or re-hire) shows us that Apple might not be ready to give up on its self-driving car program just yet. Doug Field, the former vice president of Mac hardware, left Apple to join Tesla as its chief vehicle engineer. Now, Field is back with Apple and is working on the company’s “Project Titan” self-driving car program. He was in charge of Tesla’s vehicle production and engineering before CEO Elon Musk to over production after the company failed to meet its first-quarter goal for the Model 3. Field took a leave of absence in May and then left the company altogether.

Field’s return to Apple is an interesting move as reports claim that Apple has been scaling Project Titan back with hundreds of people leaving the division. Apple is reportedly focusing on finding carmakers to partner with to develop its self-driving software. With Field back, it could suggest that Apple might still be thinking of producing the cars itself. But, of course, this is something we won’t know until Apple confirms the news.

Source: The Verge

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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