Spotify tests out skippable ads for free users
Saturday, August 11, 2018 at 10:28AM
Nicole Batac in Entertainment, Music, News, Press release, Spotify, app news

Credit: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

In a move that might dissuade people from going Premium, Spotify is trying out a new feature in Australia that will let free users skip both audio and video ads as many times as they like. The music streaming service told AdAge that they think this move will result in better targeted ads. Spotify reasons that people will likely just skip ads they don’t care about and by doing so, will give them feedback on what ads to send their way. Danielle Lee, global head of partner solutions at Spotify, likens this to the Discover Weekly playlist but for ads and Spotify says advertisers will not pay for skipped ads. The feature is currently being tested now but the company has plans to launch it globally. We’re not sure how this would bode well though for Premium users who specifically pay so that they can avoid ads.

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (
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