Managing your personal finances is a tricky balancing act; on the one hand you want to be able to pay your bills without any worry, on the other you want to spend money on yourself; you work hard to earn it, so why shouldn’t you go for a meal out or take a trip to the cinema now and again?
The problem is that however hard you try to plan for the future, fate will almost inevitably throw you a curve ball, and you’ll find yourself in a challenging situation. There are ways of preparing for these kinds of eventualities, and although you can never be entirely sure you’ve covered all the bases if you stick to some basic financial guidelines you should be able to avoid the worst types of financial problems.
Credit score
One of the most important actions you can take to safeguard your finances is to monitor your credit score and make sure it’s accurate. Your credit score is held by one of three credit bureaus; Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. These credit bureaus keep records of your financial history, and you’re given a score that reflects how much of a risk you would be to potential lenders.
You might not think it matters because you don’t have any cash flow problems at the moment, but a poor credit score can be expensive and very limiting. If you should need to borrow at any time, the lender will look at your score and may well decline the request if you have a poor score. Have a look at to find out more about what constitutes a fair score and how to go about improving yours.
Investing in your future
If you followed your chosen career path and are now working in a job you love, that’s great; but many people end up in a job they don’t particularly like and where they’re not fulfilling their potential. If you’re not satisfied with where you are now, it’s never too late to start investing in your future.
There are thousands of courses and educational opportunities available, particularly online, so it’s a good idea to explore the possibilities and see how you could improve your skills and add to your qualifications. You’ll then have more opportunity to apply for higher paid, more rewarding jobs, and even if you’re in a job you enjoy, there’s always scope for furthering your career.
Saving money
Savings can be an important part of securing your financial future, as they provide a cushion to protect you should you be faced with an unexpected bill or expense. There are many ways to save money, and the first options to consider when thinking about your future are pension schemes. Paying into a pension is a sound way to ensure that when you retire, you have a good standard of living. Even if you’re young and retirement seems a long way off, if you start making voluntary contributions into a valid scheme now, you’ll be thankful you did in a few years’ time.
You could also consider other forms of investment such as stocks and shares, depending on your level of disposable income. If you’re considering any kind of investment or private pension scheme, consult an independent financial advisor first, because they can help you get the most from your money and advise you on what constitutes an acceptable level of risk.
Spending Wisely
Life is for living, and each day is precious, so it’s important to reach a harmonious balance between spending and saving. You don’t want to go wild and spend all your income having fun, but neither do you want to commit so much to savings that your day to day existence isn’t enjoyable.
The kinds of activities and possessions that make you happy are personal to you, but if you do find yourself at either end of the scale, consider how you could tweak the way you’re living to make it more balanced. This is a skill that normally comes with maturity, as you realize that the best way to live life is to enjoy today whilst being prepared for tomorrow.
You never know what might be around the corner, but you can take steps to ensure you’re ready for whatever comes your way. Be guided by how you feel about your life; if you’re content and you have a good balance between saving and spending, carry on – you’ve cracked it! If money is a worry for you, or you aren’t happy with how things have turned out, take control of your life again and make a new path to follow.