After psychological thriller Gone Girl came out in 2014, director David Fincher put his focus on directing shows and worked with Netflix for programs like House of Cards, Mindhunter, and Love, Death & Robots. This time, he will be directing a feature film for the streaming service based on the life of Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz. Called Mank, the film will be based on a script written by Fincher’s late father, Jack, who passed away in 2003. Gary Oldman will be playing the titular character.
Specific plot details aren’t known, but the film will follow Mankiewicz’s tumultuous development of the script for Citizen Kane alongside director Orson Welles. Citizen Kane is considered one of the best films of all time, but despite critical acclaim, its script was the only component of the film that won an Oscar. The biopic will be shot in black and white, with production set to start in November. Fincher will produce Mank with Cean Chaffin and Douglas Urbanski. There is no set release date yet.
Source: Variety