Over the weekend, Telegram introduced some new useful features to its iOS app, including enhanced dark themes, Silent Messages, and Slow Mode. With improved Night Mode, you get new accent colours to choose from, allowing you to customize the theme to your liking. Meanwhile, Silent Messages lets you send a message to someone without a sound. It doesn't matter what their notification settings on their device are. They will still get a notification, but it won't come the sound. This would prove to be useful if you're messaging them in the middle of the night or when they're at an important meeting or date.
Slow Mode for group chats will let an administrator limit people to sending one message per the interval they choose. For example, they can set it so that people could only send one message every 30 seconds. The app also allows for custom titles for group admins. You can also toggle looped playback for animated stickers in the Settings. And if you want, you can send a single :heart: :thumbsup: :meh: :wow: or :party: to add an animated emoji to the chat.
Source: 9to5Mac