A leaked promo image of the upcoming Huawei Mate 30 Pro has surfaced online, suggesting that the latest iteration of the Mate series is coming soon. While this series is usually unveiled around October, GSMArena claims that the Mate 30 line will be unveiled next month on September 6th. The image also gives us a glimpse of a quad-camera setup at the back of the phone. Previous leaks claim the Mate 30 Pro has two large sensors: 1/1.55-inch for the main camera and 1/1.7-inch for the ultra-wide camera. And a third camera that's said to offer a 5x periscope zoom. So, this could suggest that the fourth sensor might be a ToF 3D sensor.
The leaked photo mentions Kirin 990, which Huawei has confirmed, and Leica hardware being used. Huawei has had a long-standing relationship with the camera maker. We could probably expect the Mate 30 Pro to have better enhancements than the Mate 30.