The director behind such films as Gone Girl, The Social Network, Fight Club, and Zodiac has signed another exclusive four-year agreement with Netflix. David Fincher confirmed the news in an interview with French magazine Premiere. He joked about how his next works will depend on the reception to the upcoming film, Mank, which will come to theatres and later debut on Netflix.
"Depending on Mank's reception, I'll either go see them [Netflix] sheepishly asking them what I can do to redeem myself or take the attitude of the arrogant asshole who'll require making other films in black and white," Fincher joked. "No, I'm here to deliver them 'content'—whatever it means—likely to bring them spectators, in my small sphere of influence."
Fincher has worked with the streaming service many times before, including work on House of Cards, Mindhunter, and Love, Death & Robots.
The director aims to use his deal with Netflix to try different things, "like Picasso painted."
Source: The Verge