Unlike the original Samsung Galaxy Z Flip that launched alongside the Galaxy S20 series, its sequel might come out later. It will also bring a 120Hz refresh rate to the foldable market. According to TheElec, the "Galaxy Z Flip 3" will supposedly arrive after the first quarter of next year, which implies that the release date is at least April 1 or later. The Galaxy S21, on the other hand, is expected to debut earlier in the year in January. According to the same report, Samsung will unveil "at least three types of foldables," which will presumably include the Flip 2, Fold 3, and Fold FE.
IceUniverse on Weibo reports that Samsung will reportedly equip the Galaxy Z Flip sequel with the 120Hz display. And it's being called by that name because of the Galaxy Z Flip 5G's late release.
Source: 9to5Google