The government of Ontario will keep its residents informed about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) through a new website. The page will be updated twice daily, at 10:30 a.m. ET and 5:30 p.m. ET, to let the public know about the status of cases in the province. The webpage shows information about the number of cases currently under investigation, those confirmed, negative cases, as well as the resolved ones.
The government will also include general information about confirmed cases, including the person's gender age, the public health unit involved, and the hospital they are currently in (if applicable). The website will also show where the person got the virus as well as their current status.
At the time of this writing, there are 31 confirmed positive cases, 22 under investigation, four resolved cases, and 2,347 negative cases. A total of 2,404 have been tested in Ontario so far.
The site also has other relevant information the public needs to know about COVID-19.
Other provinces, including Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec, have launched similar websites as well.
Source: Government of Ontario