'Battletoads' coming to Xbox One, PC on August 20
Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 10:02AM
Nicole Batac in Apps & Launches, Battletoads, Gaming, Microsoft, Microsoft Xbox One, News, PC, Press release


Battletoads is finally making a comeback with this new title coming out later this month. The game, which was last seen in the mid-90s, will bring its distinct hand-drawn look to 2020. It promises different genres, including shoot 'em up, platformer, and beat 'em up. With support for a three-player couch co-op, you can play this chaotically fun game with your family and friends. 

It will have 2D and 3D levels and a new take on the difficult Turbo Tunnel stage. Battletoads is coming to the Xbox One and PC on August 20. Xbox Game Pass members can pre-load the title now.

Source: Engadget

Article originally appeared on Reviews, News and Opinion with a Canadian Perspective (https://www.canadianreviewer.com/).
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