Over the weekend, Twitter began rolling out a recording option for its Spaces chats. It's coming first to a limited number of Twitter Spaces hosts on iOS and should be available to all hosts on the platform "within a few weeks." The hosts can record these Twitter Spaces conversations and share these recordings in tweets.
For all iOS and Android users who come in late to a Twitter Spaces broadcast, you can now replay the session once it's done if a host has enabled recording. The tweets typically shared to promote Twitter Spaces broadcasts will now have a link to a recording instead of just a note saying the Spaces broadcast has ended.
Participants will be notified by a new icon when a recording is ongoing when they join a live Twitter Spaces session. The hosts will have access to the recordings for 30 days after the broadcast to share, and they can delete the recording at any time. Twitter will keep the recordings up to 120 days to check them for abusive or hateful content.