Samsung is reportedly planning to launch a Fan Edition variant of the Galaxy S21. Renders of the rumoured device were shared online by leakster Steve H (a.k.a. OnLeaks). The Galaxy S21 Looks like it has the same camera bump style as the flagship models, but its colour now matches the rear panel instead of coming in a complementary accent. Similar to what Samsung did with its midrange Galaxy A series.
According to OnLeaks, the phone will measure 155.7 x 74.5 x 7.9mm, and 9.3mm at the camera bump, meaning it'll be slightly bigger than the vanilla Galaxy S21. It will have a metal frame, but that will be paired with a "frosted glasstic" back. Glasstic is Samsung's term for plastic panels that are made to look like glass. The Galaxy S21 FE will reportedly have a 6.4-inch flat panel and a triple camera setup, too. But expect it to have lower resolution cameras than the Galaxy S21 series.
Source: GSMArena